Sunday, May 20, 2012

Finally!  Chicken coop is done and the chooks are spending their first night outside.  I hope the raccoons don't get them.  I have actually come to like my girls.  They are entertaining and lovely.
We used the shipping crate I brought home from work.  Hinges on the lid and voila! a door.  It will be nice to not have to round them up and bring them in every night.  

Our lone rooster seems to like his new home.  He is perched on top of the feeder. 

I also made pallet garden beds today.  I stapled cardboard to the back and filled them with composted horse manure.

I planted tomatoes, zucchini, basil, and thai peppers in them.  Heirloom tomatoes.  I bought some labeled Hillbilly tomatoes.  lol  I thought my hubby would get a kick out of that.

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