Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Sage is a mild tonic that fortifies a generally debilitated nervous system. Instead of sedating the nervous system as some nervine herbs do, it actually stimulates the central nervous system, strengthening it to reduce excess nervous energy. This mild tonic quiets the nerves, relieves spasms, helps induce Sleep and combats depression, mental exhaustion, trembling and nervousness. It has been used to calm seasickness, and traditional herbalists even thought it useful in treating certain forms of insanity.

As a powerful astringent, Sage has the ability to slow down the secretion of fluids in the body. It is considered an antiperspirant and natural deodorizer that works from inside out. Apparently, the tannins and volatile oils account for its ability to dry up perspiration and slow excessive saliva flow. This quality helps to reduce the heavy perspiration of night sweats and hot flashes.

Sage is an old and trusted remedy for drying up breast milk when women wish to stop nursing.
Mucous congestion in the nasal passages and airways of the respiratory tract is also dried by the use of Sage. Its drying effect is also used to treat Diarrhea.

Sage promotes good digestion and is considered one of the best remedies for stomach troubles. Sage stimulates the appetite, eases gas pains, removes mucus in the stomach, relieves biliousness and dyspepsia, and is beneficial in digesting foods of all kinds, both savory and sweet. Its "bitter" component stimulates upper digestive secretions, increasing bile flow and pancreatic function, and it is said to keep the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, spleen and sexual organs healthy.

Living up to its name, Sage is said to be a stimulant that strengthens the brain and promotes wisdom. Since antiquity, it has been reputed to slow down the ageing process and endow long life. It appears to be a Memory strengthener, helping to restore failing Memory in the elderly and improving concentration in all who use it.

Sage is considered an "emmenagogue," an agent that is used to bring on suppressed Menstruation. Additionally, it is said to help regulate its flow. Researchers claim that Sage has estrogenic effects on the body that may treat Estrogen deficiency. This may be a contributing factor in Sage's use for the relief of hot flashes that result from either hysterectomy or menopause.
Recent studies claim that as a stimulant Sage increases Circulation and relieves headache. It is also gaining a reputation for improving Circulation to the heart.

Sage is a powerful antioxidant that will inhibit destructive and harmful free-radical compounds. It is also an anti-inflammatory that will help to shrink and soothe inflamed tissue. As an antifungal, Sage has been shown to exhibit anti-yeast activity against Candida albicans; and in cell cultures, Sage inhibited antiviral activity in Herpes simplex virus II and influenza virus A2.

As a "vulnerary" Sage will assist in healing wounds by protecting against infection and stimulating cell growth. Used topically, Sage's antiseptic properties will clean sores and old ulcers, treat cuts, wounds and bruises, and will help to stop Bleeding and encourage healing.

A Sage gargle is a well-known, old-fashioned antiseptic remedy for disorders affecting the mouth and throat, such as dental abscesses, infected gums, mouth ulcers, sore and Bleeding gums, loose teeth, Cold Sores, sore throat, tonsillitis and throat infections.

The medicinal uses of Sage abound. The antiseptic properties in Sage are useful in treating intestinal and respiratory infections, and the essential oil, heated in a vaporizer, will disinfect a sick room. The herb has also been effective in breaking fevers, reducing cold symptoms, treating dysentery, and expelling worms and Parasites.
Sage's cosmetic uses are numerous. It is used in baths as a relaxant and to soothe sore muscles, in shampoos to cleanse the scalp and stimulate hair growth, in soaps to cleanse and restore ageing skin, and in hair rinses to promote shine (especially in dark hair).

Sage is an evergreen shrub with a distinctive fragrance that may grow to a height of almost three feet, and it thrives in rich, well-drained soil in sunny locations. It is native to the Mediterranean region and was introduced to North America in the seventeenth century, where it continues to grow throughout the temperate regions. Sage is a member of the multi-species Salvia genus, and despite the fact that any herb of this genus may be called Sage; there are significant differences in medicinal components in the tops and roots that influence their uses.

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