Saturday, April 2, 2016

March Gone Already

March is gone already and good riddance!  It wasn't really much better than February.   I smashed my finger and peeled back the skin the first Friday and then had to put my dog, Sam, down the next day.  He had prostate cancer too.  I had him cremated and planted his ashes under a wild rose bush (dog rose) in his favorite sunny spot.

I remember when they discovered that turtle. Sam is the brown one.  I am going to wire wrap some beads around his tag and put it on my charm necklace.

All of the seeds I started grew.  If it doesn't warm up soon there will be beans growing in my house. LOL  One of the black copper maran chicks is a rooster. I bought some bantams to keep them company and it looks like one of them is too.  My son wanted me to buy ducks, so I got a couple Pekins and I think one of them is a drake.  Boys everywhere!

I got put back on first shift at work in a different department, so I've been adjusting to that. 

I finished the insert for April.  Sorry it's late.  Been busy putting my new beehive together.

It's a Warre hive from Bee Thinking.  I get my bees next month and I'm so excited!  I've wanted bees forever.  They are so awesome.

Monday, February 29, 2016

February didn't start off well.  My father died January 30.  It was hands down the worst day of my life. He was 85 and had prostate cancer, so it was a release for him, but I've always been a daddy's girl and there is such an empty space in my life now.
George William Shooter
July 15, 1930-January 30, 2016

We had a memorial for him the 13th.  That was an awful day too.  I cried so much I had a sinus headache the whole next day.  He was the only man who never let me down.  He wasn't perfect, but he was awesome.  

I got to see both of my grandsons more than once this month, so it has been good.  Michael has such a temper!  He can go from calm to pissed off in a second.  His mommy is going to have fun with him! Austin just gets taller and more charming by the moment.  Having him at the memorial helped me.  I imagine that he is what my dad was like at 2. So full of himself!

The weather has been crazy.  50 degree days followed by a foot of snow.  My poor flowers don't know what to do. 

I got some seeds started, and made an order from Baker Creek Seeds. Oh, the hours spent poring over their catalog looking at all of the lovely and unusual veggies. If I actually manage to get everything I ordered to grow, we will be eating veggies every day.  I'm trying to convince myself I like sweet potatoes, so I got their rare sweet potato collection.  Maybe I will like one of them.  4 varieties of tomato, 4 or 5 varieties of cukes, 3 squash, 3 beans, some peppers, and greens.  We shall eat good this summer! I want to plant strawberries on the hill by the pine trees in our yard.  No one likes mowing that hill.

I finished the March insert for anyone interested in art journaling along with me. Here is the link:

I got some black copper marans chicks this weekend, but one died already.  Looking forward to those dark eggs.  I may try to hatch an olive egger this fall since both of my roos are easter eggers.  

I must say I'm not sorry to see February go.  March is Ostara and the beginning of spring.  My favorite season.

Bye winter, Hello Spring!

"She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head
And whispered to her neighbor;
"Winter is dead."
--A.A. Milne, When We Were Very Young

Monday, February 1, 2016

Happy Imbolc!  I've decided to try art journaling again this year.  I bought the book "No Excuses Art Journaling" by Gina Rossi Armfield last year and enjoyed being artistic again.  It is a way to do art journaling in five minutes a day.  You take a daily planner and add watercolor paper, envelopes and monthly inserts the author provides and every day you draw or write something quick. 

The author has decided to make the inserts for this year available only to those who buy her $97 ecourse. I don't want the course, so I decided to make my own inserts with a pagan/wicca theme.  I started with February since January is over already. If you would like to print them and start your own art journal here is the link to my pages:
Make sure to print them Landscape. If you want the book it is on Kindle Unlimited for free. Amazon has it also.  I bought it at Joann. 

I hope you enjoy my inserts.  Feel free to suggest themes each month.  I'll need the help.